Shadowed By Moonlight

Shadowed By Moonlight

"O le i'o i mata o le tama, o le teine."

The apple of a brother's eye is his sister.

~Samoan Proverb~

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About the Book

Fifteen-year-old Toaolelā has always been jealous of his sister. But when he accidentally sends her to the underworld, he must learn to overcome his own insecurities and cross the ocean to find her, before it’s too late.

Dysfunctional family dynamics come to life fantastical world inspired by the myths of ancient Polynesia. At its core, Shadowed By Moonlight is a tale of gods and demons, self-love, self-hate, and the depths a young man will go to in order to make things right with his sister.

Author: Kryssa Stevenson
Genres: Pacific Island Fantasy, Young Adult
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: Tofagalei Publishing
Publication Year: 2022
ISBN: 9798986786018
List Price: $14.99
eBook Price: $4.99
"The author herself embraced her heritage and researched the customs so well that the story is immersive and stands out from the throng of books in western settings."
"By Chapter 2, I was already crying. It’s amazing how words on paper can be woven in a way that moves you so deeply. There were a lot of emotional moments through out the book, but also a lot of laughter as well."
"Awesome storytelling, sis. I honestly can’t wait to read it again." ~Rosa Alo, Host of the Reads With Rosa Podcast-
"With compelling characters that leave the reader on the edge of their seat, beautiful descriptions of Polynesian culture, and a powerful narrative, Kryssa Stevenson has created a thrilling young adult adventure full of self-love, identity, and family."
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